you're no longer a teen. haha
have a blast bday over there. miss you.
sorry for not being the first to wish you but the thought that counts right? ;)
hey, jage moose tu lek lok tau. heh
happy bday to my dear aqil too. 29/11/2006. 2-year-old-very-naughty-boy.
sape nk tau aritu kan, aqil baling anak kucing dalam lauk kambing yg sdg dimasak.
no worries. kucing selamat.

i'm happy for being who i am.
i'm happy to be where i am.
i'm happy with the way i look.
i'm happy with the way i think.
i'm happy for having everyone i had/have.
i'm happy to be with you.
thanks Allah for the ni'mah and happiness.
lets be thankful for everything.
i love you.
ps: its already snowing. xnampak tanah/rumput dah. it'll stay white & cold for the nx 4 months. its not fun. seriously. trust me.
local time (ottawa): 1200 am. 29/11/2008.
tq raiz!!
tq 4 the wish..
tq 4 the moose, actually moose tu da koyak sket kat kaki die..nnt aku jahit eek..
hepi besday akyll!!
luv u 2..
bwk blk salji tau nnt..
happy besday asma~
panjang umur murah rezeki..
shweeeet 20!!!
ak pun nak bear..tak jadik niee
hepi besday kurus, eh , slap , ,,muk ek raiz? slamat msuk alam tua cam kitorg..hihi..
astaga, alkil tu ingt kucing tu kmbing yg tercicir utk dmsukkn dlm gulai tu kot..huhu
tq girls & guy..huhu
eh, mike, jgn harap ko dpt bear..sape suro wish lambt!
btul tu sri, mok. muk tu cam still kurus. len kali tulis mok ok. hehe
aqilll mmgggg aihhhhhh T_T
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