Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

yes I can!

salam alayk..
kali ini, sy nk kongsi mengenai one campaign yg ade kaitan dgn pharmaceutical-thingy, BUT, quite controversial.. well, i'm not good at commenting things, luckily, my friend gave his opinion about this campaign and i decide to paste his thought here.

sebelum itu, sy brief sikit apa sbnrnye "yes I can" kempen ini:

kempen ini di lancarkn pd bulan Julai 2010 dan berakhir pada bulan november, dgn kerjasama Kementerian Pembangunan, Wanita & Masyarakat & 1 pharmaceutical company. their main goal is to promote a healthier and safer sex to women above 18-30s, by introducing oral contraceptives (pill cegah kehamilan) and educate women in other contraception (cara lain untuk cegah kehamilan).  this is to prevent any unwanted pregnancy (kehamilan luar jangkaan) that being our most hottest issues in media during this pass 1 year. 

So, sy berkesempatan untuk berbual2 dgn seorg kenalan, di mana dia seorg bakal doktor lulusan dalam negara yang kini berada di tahun 3 pengajiannya.
here goes..

hurm after reviewing the website, i have mixed feelings about the campaign, but for general i'm opposing the idea because it brings more harm than benefit, but i would like to discuss about this from two different POVs, first yg sokong 2nd yg oppose.

from supporting point of view, the problem right now is baby dumping n unwanted pregnancy, not the intercourse itself. this kind of people their mind is more liberal or secular, because for them sexual lifestyle is individual's right not the community n we must respect them.

this campaign is part of sex education yg kite duk bising2 tu, wajar or x wajar, modul camne, target people sape, then this organization came up with the idea of educating people to prevent unwanted pregnancy by protective intercourse.

sy tgk kolej2 yg dorg pergi utk campus tour pn kolej2 swasta yg kite tau lifestyle dorg cmne kn kn, for this kind of people agk2 klo kte cakap zina itu haram etc etc agaknye dorg nak denga x ckp kite? mungkin kite boleh andaikn dorg nie group yg 'da x de harapan' utk prevent zina, jd dr buang mase utk piki cmne nk prevent mende yg xde harapan better pk cmne nk elakkn unwanted pregnancy, sbb sy yakin 100% masyarakat dunia x nak unwanted pregnancy, nme pn unwanted, huhu

fyi: this campaign wat tour keliling IPTS

lebih kurang same cam IVDU, ble kte lancarkn program free needle tu, ad yg kate mmburukkn keadaan, ibarat sudah mengantuk di sorong bantal, tp tujuan sebenar utk kurangkn ketagihan with tapering d dosage by time smpila ilang addiction tu

fyi: IVDU stand for intravenous drug use

group nie mmg modern, n kononnye berfikiran lebih terbuka, sbb bile kita ckp dorg nk promote zina, dorg akn reply, "we never mentioned about promoting sex out of marriage but we just promoting usage of ocp IF they choose to have sex" like i said sexual lifestyle is individuals right for them.

hurm enuf said lets move to the 2nd group. i think im in this group, reason? because there is no islamic value in the idea. as muslim, we already hav the solution of baby dumping and unwanted pregnancy, it is cleared stated in the quran n sunnah.

just the only issue is now how to implement the soluton, how to tell our peeps to control their own nafs, to prevent zina, this is our challenge rite now, difficult, it'll b difficultly difficult.

agk2nye group yg da 'xde harapan' tu denga ke klo kte bg ayat quran psl zina nie, silap haribulan kite plak kne tag 'kolot' dan 'konservatif'

ad bebrape cara, salah satu drpdnya dengan berdoa pd Allah semoga di buka pintu hidayah pd mereka, Abu Talib yg terima dakwah drect dr nabi pn, di sebab x menerima hidayah Allah, x dpt terima dakwah anak saudara kesayangan die hatta die mengetahui apa yg nabi bawa adalah benar.

cara yg laen yg kte slalu sebut kembali kepada islam. sy suka idea hassan al-banna dlm strategi dakwah beliau, di mana dakwah itu bermula dgn diri sendiri tarbiyatun-nafs, mcm kte join prog usrah, denga ceramah, bace buku etc. then pegi ke baitul muslim, iaitu kite membina keluarga yg ahlinya, suami isteri n anak2 soleh2 belaka, after that berkembang jd masyarakat islam, sampai lah ke peringkat akhir iaitu daulah islamiyyah. proses nie memakan masa n memerlukn kesabaran. konsep nie cantik sbb nak bina daulah islamiyyah semua org berperanan bkn shj pemimpin :)

kesimpulan: isu ini sebenarnye sgt complicated utk dibincang. andai kata kita nak menolak idea kempen ini bulat2 ape harapan yg ade pada non-educated plus hopeless people out there, especially org melayu kampung, sy bercakap terus terang sbb sy nmpak mende nie kt ward. xkn kte nk biarkn dorg terus hanyut sambil tunggu dakwah kita sampai ke hati mereka. proses dakwah nie bkn mengambil masa sehari dua, sebulan, or setahon, tp bertahun2, ikhwanul muslimin tertubuh sejak 1920-an lagi.

tp utk membiarkn kempen ini berjalan begitu saja pn ad kesannye juga, ble masyarakat da jd 'pandai' they'll see this as an opportunistic window, usually yg terkantoi zina nie ble da termengandung la, so ble da ad solution nie lagi senang la nk layan hawa nafsu. bile kempen nie dijalankn secara besar2an, masuk ipta, masuk kampung, effect terlebih 'pandai' tu yg kite takut.

Semoga kita diberi kekuatan iman, utk menempuh hari2 yg akn mendatang, cabaran yg semakin sukar, sehingga kita menjadi orang yg asing. Amin.

itulah dia sedikit sebyk apa yg kawan saya bagi komen.. anda pula bagaimana?


ATIE said...

salam never know about this campaign bfre (argh kunonye!)=p

btw nice sharing... thanx asma'

(tgh wt esemen. bce sepintas lalu je.nt dtg lagi bace betul2.. =p)

Nurul Asma' said...

haha, sy pn lmbt tau gak, da nk abes da kempen ni.. but atleast kite tau kn.. hee
ok2, selamat membaca!

Anonymous said...

im a member of 2nd group.huhu.

nak prevent unwanted preg tu tggjwb sume,bende tu perlu dibentuk dr peribadi.akhlak.
tak perlu event2 yg bercampur kat msia ni.tapis semua show atau bende2 yg boleh hangatkn nafsu. kena ade negara islam yg real islam.sekeh sume muslim yg nak ikut barat.huhu.

promote didikan agama yg meluas, n promote marriage la senang. ;)


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