yesterday, i went to hosp to check on my eye...
alhmdulillah, everythng seems ok..
dpt chloramphenicol & ponstan..
but, that's not the story here..
the things is that, just after i went in my car to head back to UM, suddenly, i feel like, crying...
and i cried...
for half n hour, in the dark, inside my car...
I had no reasons to cry, i even ask my self, why am i crying??
... but still, no answer for that...
after half and hour crying, i realize that i hadn't turn on the air cond, huu... tapi xrase pns pon..
lps rase mcm da cool down, i try to call sumone, who i feel he could help me... but, as soon as i heard his voice, my tears start to run again
i couldn't stop it... what a shame... i'm crying like a baby..
after a few mins try to talk to him, we hang up...
but, i feel, i still couldn't handle to drive in this situation...
i look at my hp, and decide to call her..
and again, i cried... hurm...
she calm me down & we decide to meet at a&w PJ,
& i drove to pick her up, & went there..
we had a late nite supper (jam pkul 11.30 pm), & some vanila choc ice cream..
& finally, she resolve it for me, & i realize, that's why i'm crying.. huu...
& it reminds me of this story...
Why Women Cry...
A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?"
"Because I'm a woman," she told him.
"I don't understand," he said.
His Mom just hugged him and said,
"And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does
mother seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason," was all his
dad could say.
The little boy grew up and became a man, still
wondering why women cry.
Finally he put prayed to God who would surely know the answer.
When God responded he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"
God said: "When I made the woman she had to be to be made special. I made
her shoulders
strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet
gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her an inner strength to endure
childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I
gave her
a hardness that allows
her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and
take care of her family
through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her the sensitivity
to love her children under any and all
circumstances, even when her child
has hurt her very badly. I gave her strength to
carry her husband through
his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect
his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his
wife, but sometimes tests
her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And lastly, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers and only hers
exclusively to use whenever she needs it.
She needs no reason, no explanation, its hers."
"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman
is not in the clothes she
wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she
combs her hair.The
beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because
that is the doorway to
her heart - the place where love resides."
thank you Allah... thanks you frens...
ala mok..nape nangis2 nih..??rndu aku ek..??ngee
neway,entry ko nih buat aku homesick tibe2..tsk..tsk:(pall
hahaha.. xde la, biasa la, aku kn suka nangis..huu
lorr, nape lak homesick?
entry ko wat aku rndu umi aku..huhu
neway,all d bes mok..
n get well soon!!
ko suke nangis ek..??bkn aku ke yg suke nangis dlu2..??haha:p
ooo yeke.. miss my mummy too.. :(
owh, dlu ko mmg suka nangs dpn aku, aku nangs dlm toilet, xde sape tau.. haha...
remind me.. to matriculation life dulu miss asma'..
who d 1 tht keep crying? hehe.. ^_^
Er,sape ek?sy ke?
mok,aku suke nangis dlu2 sbb aku ade ko..ko kan slalu comfort aku kalo aku nanges..ko kan ala2 mak2..mak yg garang..hoho:)
miss all d moments kat skola dlu2..big time..huu:(
jannah ske ngis?????????
meh aku tolong kompotkan.haha.
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